We continuously invest in improvements and innovations in the quality and safety of our production lines, our products and our staff. This is an essential part of Mobacc’s business operations.
Our integrated management system of ISO 9001 (certified in 1996), ISO14001 (certified in 2015) and ISO45001(certified in 2019), guarantees the implementation of all improvements and innovations. Our management system clearly reflects the ISO manuals on Quality, Environment, Health and Safety.
The system is divided into primary processes and support processes. The working methods for quality, the environment working conditions and safety and health are combined as much as possible into a single procedure.
At Mobacc, production safety is guaranteed by a Safety Management System that meets the requirements of NTA8620 (requirements for a safety management system to prevent major accidents hazards (SEVESO-directive requirements)) in combination with the ISO45001 certification.
Product safety concerns both the contents and the individual components of the aerosols. The EC Aerosol Directive is the starting point for the production of our aerosol containers, while the regulations in the CLP and REACH chemicals directives form the basis for the contents of the aerosols (the formulae). These regulations describe the use of chemicals and the labelling requirements of the products. In addition to the above-described legislation and regulations, other legislation may apply if the products are produced or used for specific applications.
Mobacc’s quality objective is to provide products and services related to the production of aerosols, liquids and coatings that are sustainable, cost effective and of the highest quality. The implementation of the quality policy is an integrated part of the overall business operations and has the constant attention of both the management and all employees.
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