Sustainability has become a hype, but for the Mobacc Group it is an utterly serious matter. Sustainability is inseparably linked to our future and that of our children and future generations. Corporate social responsibility is one of the core values of our organisation.
Part of this for all companies in this group is the embracement, supporting and enactment, within our sphere of influence, of the core values in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment, and anti-corruption of the United Nations Global Compact (document 10 UN-principles).
Various companies in the north of the Netherlands are successfully converting to a biobased economy through the use of crops and biomass for, among other things, the development of biofuels. Mobacc is among the pioneers of this development. We are working together with regional companies to achieve our ‘green’ ambitions.
Since its establishment in 1981, Mobacc has been striving to develop and produce its products – and not to forget its packaging materials – as sustainably as possible.
Mobacc developed the first High Solid spray paints (paint with a high content of solids and less solvents) and an actuator that is operated by airflow instead of propellants. Mobacc – a red logo with a green heart.
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