Mobacc gives top priority to the innovation of existing products and the development of new products. This applies both to the innovation of the machinery pool and the production process. Continuous improvement is an important part of the quality process.
Our high-tech laboratories in Veendam and Zaandam are a guarantee of quality and innovation, as are our R&D team’s extensive know-how, training and many years of experience. We typically collaborate closely with our customers when modifying existing products or developing new ones.
Thanks to the development of a new innovation centre in Veendam, as of mid-2015 Mobacc will have everything necessary in house to provide its customers with whatever they need. The new centre will enable us to provide professional product presentations and demonstrations, improve the provision of information about new products to our customers and help us to respond to new developments more quickly and more effectively.
Innovation does not only concern products, but the entire production process. Mobacc designed some of the filling machines, production lines and other equipment in the factories in Veendam and Zaandam itself. The designs ensure a high-quality, safe and efficient production and filling process, as well as safe working conditions for the employees.
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